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If you’re looking to find sex partners the smart way, it’s easier than you think. Thanks to the Internet, it’s much easier to slice and dice the dating information than it was before. There’s almost no guesswork involved. As long as you go to the right website, the rules would be clear. As long as you go to the right places, most of the people there will know what to expect. They’re looking for sex with friends. That’s it. They’re not looking for long-term relationships or deep emotional involvement. They’re just looking to bang.

Those are the best websites because there are no surprises, no unnecessary drama, no emotional games, and definitely no unnecessary guilt involved. However, if you want to play the game the smart way, you have to keep in mind the following facts.

It’s all a numbers game

When it comes to trying to find partners to have sex with online, you have to look at it as a numbers game. To get ten, you have to send out maybe several hundred messages. That’s the way it goes. It’s all about conversion.

Unfortunately, just because you send out an email to a hot-looking female doesn’t necessarily mean she’s interested with you. Why? Hundreds of other guys are also interested with her so make it easier on yourself by playing it like a numbers game. It’s like playing the lottery. You have to just get out there and take many entries before you hit the jackpot.

It’s all about opportunity

You have to understand that sometimes it’s all about timing. To get the right person, you have to get the right message in front of the right eyeballs at the right time. Do you notice how many times the word “right” was mentioned? That’s how many contingencies you have to deal with. That’s just the name of the game. You have to create the opportunity by making sure that your profile is right. Look good. Be in good shape. Say the right words.

The good news is that other guys have created profiles. You only need to reverse engineer them. This way, they do your homework for you. By constantly experimenting with your profile, you will eventually hit the right formula that can bring in the results on a very predictable basis.

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